Ridgefield Dundee Portea EX-95-2E
IHFA National Dairy Show Champion of the Decade!
This tremendous cow, who has been champion at the four major shows in Ireland and twice nominated for "Global Cow of the year" was bred at Bosdale and sold as an embryo. Her dam, Bosdale Aeroline Portea EX-93-3E is a 10 lactation cow with over 100,000 KG milk of 4.7% fat and 3.4% protein! She is also the dam of an EX-2E Lauthority daughter at Bosdale.
The Portrait family continues to be a successful cow family globally.
Congratulations to the Frawley family on doing a fantastic job with this cow!
January 2020 Classification results
10 Very Good 2-year-olds
7 New Excellents
5 Multiple Es
Highlight: Outside Portrait's Fever daughter now 2E!
Full results...
Bosdale Lindor EX-92 (95 MS)
Fever x Bosdale Shottle Liberty EX-96-4E
Congratulations to Nick and Steph Peterman with purchasing this cow as an embryo! We wish them all the best with her.
June 2019
Solomon x Bosdale G W Luster EX-93 was sold as an embryo to Argentina. She won her class at a show in Argentina. Owned by Antonela Barberis - we hope for much continued success with this heifer!